Michael Johnston

Michael Johnston

Michael Johnson is co-founder and lead analyst at AltsDb, with over a decade of experience in financial research. He resides in Oregon.

How To Invest In Tax Liens, With Jeff Piposar

Tax lien investing offers a unique alternative to property ownership with the potential to generate passive income. They are an attractive tool for portfolio diversification, especially given the potential for return. Jeff Piposar is the founder and managing partner of…

The Alternative Investment Universe, With Tony Chereso

Alternative investments can offer portfolio diversification and long-term capital gains, but they aren’t for everyone. These investment structures require the right infrastructure and expertise to balance their risks. Even so, the “alts” space represents a tremendous growth opportunity for investments beyond traditional asset…

Alts-Focused Portfolio Strategies, With Michael Episcope

Michael Episcope

Investors are shifting to alternative investments to enhance returns, generate income, and provide diversification from traditional investments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. An alts-focused portfolio also offers investors opportunities to defer and/or reduce their tax liabilities. But how…

Investing In Farming And Agribusiness, With Chris Rawley

Chris Rawley

Farming and agribusiness offers a range of investment options capable of fulfilling numerous portfolio objectives that can be both recession-proof and high yielding. Income-producing agriculture often beats the returns from other asset classes and perform differently from them in response to market changes.…